So having completed 12 online PE lessons in the first lockdown, it was clear that some young people enjoyed working with a coach they knew in the comfort of their own home. But are online sessions really good enough to enhance a child's development when compared to attending PE in school?

I've broken down some of the benefits and draw backs of attending your PE Lessons online!
But first, before we get going, when I say 'Virtual PE' I'm talking about lessons where children are learning a new skill, developing their coordination and being challenged technically as well as physically. With all respect to Joe Wicks, who I love to use myself for my home workouts and I think his workouts are a great way to keep kids active. In his videos, the children are working more on their fitness rather than developing their physical development skills so there is a distinction here.
Well, there are so many good bits about online PE Lessons so here are just a few:
You can do them when you like - If you miss the live lesson, these lessons are normally posted on social media or YouTube afterwards!
Provides an opportunity for children to stay on top of their ABC's (Agility, Balance, Coordination and Speed)
Children have the opportunity to work with someone they know and trust
They can be used to provide structure to your week!
A great way to maintain a physical and active lifestyle! Children are recommended to be hitting a minimum of 60 minutes of activity every day and finding some content online that your child likes will help them to achieve this.
When lessons are live, the interaction between parents, teachers and the children can be great.
If I'm honest, it's silly to compare them really! It's just so completely different teaching an online lesson compared to one in a school.
Space - Obvious constraints when teaching from home prevents the child being able to do many of the skills you practice in school. I'm not sure how many parents would want their child practicing an overhead tennis serve in the front room...
Equipment - PE Lessons at home must be suitable for the equipment that the majority of children will have. Only Facebook knows how many times I threw and caught a ball made out of socks in the first lockdown!
Working in partners - In school, we love to put kids in groups of two's or three's to practice passing and defending games. This is very difficult at home, unless the dog fancies a game of "Through the Gate!"
It's important that we put this into context. The government is telling everyone to stay at home as much as possible and everything has gone virtual. It may not be the perfect way to deliver PE, but I have the upmost respect for every individual involved in helping children develop physically online. It is no easy feat but as teachers and coaches, we come together as one to help children through these crazy times!
Oh, and I should have mentioned... I will be restarting my live lessons next week on YouTube! We will be live on
Friday's @ 4pm starting on 22nd January
Find our YouTube Channel through the link below
See you there!