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5 Reasons Why We Love Sports Coaching in Reading 💙

Over the last three years uSports has delivered thousands of sessions in and around Reading. There are so many reasons to love sports coaching in Reading but we had to whittle them down to just 5!

Having grown up in Reading, and now running a sports coaching business, I have experienced first hand what Reading has to offer in terms of sports!

There is a strong emphasis on health and wellbeing in schools across Reading

Having worked in over a hundred schools across Reading and Berkshire, it is clear that headteachers take physical activity seriously across the area. There is not one school which I know of that doesn't offer extra curricular clubs and compete against other schools in sport. Each school appreciates how important sport can be for young people and it is not uncommon to see headteachers attending sports events, no matter which sport!

Every school will have little areas to improve but on the whole as a visitor to many schools, I would argue that every child in Reading is educated by a school that values Physical Education, Physical Activity and School Sport.

We have a number of great venues!

We are lucky to have a number of venues across Reading that help people of all ages to get active. We have a number of secondary schools which hire out their space for the community to use in the evenings and over the weekends alongside some brilliant bespoke facilities such as Reading Universities tennis complex. All of these venues allow for quality sports coaching to be delivered in a safe space.

We also have support from a number of community halls and leisure centres to use their spaces for a variety of activities ranging from dance through to toddler football. Without these spaces, the provisions offered to the community would be far more limited and the availability of these venues allow us to try so many different activities.

As a sports coaching company, these spaces are an invaluable tool which allow us to improve the experience of sport for a wide range of people!

Activities on offer!

Just a quick search on google for "activities in Reading" and you will see a whole list of different things to try! Here are just a few options that are normally available (not during a pandemic!):

- Indoor Rock Climbing

And so many more!!

Of course all of our provisions too... 😜

We are so lucky to find so many activities within a 15 minute drive and to be taught by highly qualified coaches!

Competition from other companies

As much as it might be easier in some ways for us if there were no other sports coaching companies in Reading, it might be a bit boring and we certainly wouldn't be pushing ourselves as much as we do! Having a number of sports coaching companies keeps me as a business owner constantly looking to innovate and improve our quality. It is also great to be part of a sports community in Reading! Take our Reading to Tokyo charity challenge for example, where we have been able to partner up with some fantastic sports focused organisations around us!

Having competitors is good for any business but in Reading we certainly have some great companies to compete with.

Thank you to all the competitors for keeping me on my toes 😁!


We are very fortunate to live in an area where parents understand the value of quality coaching and the benefits it brings to their children. We have worked with thousands of parents from across Reading through our holiday camps, birthday parties and school work. We are massively thankful to all of the parents that have supported uSports through our first year and especially through the pandemic!

The parents that get their kids to training every week, the parents that clean the kit for their children and the parents that spend their hard earned money on sport for their children. We salute you!

Coaching in Reading is only going to get better!

With more venues popping up around reading and with the quality of coaching courses constantly being improved, we can't wait to see what the future of sports coaching in Reading will hold.

All we know, is that we will be there leading the way with great sessions that children love 💙.

Find out more on our website:

Charlie Hiscox

uSports Director


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